You have searched for Tenders of asansol in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Proposed Construction of new CMOH Office Building of Asansol District Health,Paschim Bardhaman(Balance Work) incl. Electrical work-SITC of AC machine.
12 Arrangement of necessary Power Supply, DG Back-up & Oxyzen Connection for operation of PSA Plants of Asansol District Hospital ,Paschim Bardhaman------ Electrical Installation work for PSA of Asansol DH. "
13 Supply of stainless less steel DRA Agitator with flame proof motor each for HMRBPL, Asansol and (W.B).
TRN : 791989 |  Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 94.7 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of stainless less steel dra agitator with flame proof motor each for hmrbpl, asansol and (w.b).
14 "Specific priced schedule (B.O.Q.) of probable items with approximate quantities for the Work:-Approach slab on Abhirampur side and protective works on upstream and downstream side of existing two cell box culvert on overflow bypass channel at 11th km of Galigram- Kurtuki- Chandipur Road, Rehabilitation work under Asansol Highway Division in the district of Paschim Bardhaman. Ch. to.:- Plan Head (e-NIT No-17 of 2020-2021) "
15 "Specific priced schedule (B.O.Q.) of probable items with approximate quantities for the Work:- 2 (Two) Nos. Single Cell Box Culvert (3 m X 3 m) at 2nd km and 3rd km of Bigra- Dignagar Road (Phase-I), Construction work by replacing the old damaged Slab Culverts under Asansol Highway Division in the district of Paschim Bardhaman. Ch. to.:- Plan Head (e-NIT No-10 of 2020-2021)
16 Providing vehicle rental services on as and when required basis at HMRBPL, Asansol in West Bengal state
TRN : 785786 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 8.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing vehicle rental services on as and when required basis at hmrbpl, asansol in west bengal state
TRN : 849471 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 56.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of aluminium oil sample containers at hmrb pipelines, asansol (w.b).
18 Construction of Additional School Building Of Narsamuda Janakalyan Samity High School HS under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
TRN : 839408 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 19.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Affairs Department
Tender award for construction of additional school building of narsamuda janakalyan samity high school hs under asansol municipal corporation.
19 Construction of Additional School Building Of Boring Danga High School Under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
TRN : 839409 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 18.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Affairs Department
Tender award for construction of additional school building of boring danga high school under asansol municipal corporation.
20 Construction of Additional School Building Of Sodepur Colliery High School Under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
TRN : 839410 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 19.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Affairs Department
Tender award for construction of additional school building of sodepur colliery high school under asansol municipal corporation.

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