You have searched for Tenders of bharatpur in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

291 Request for proposal (RFP) for organizing Live concert of Salim-SulaimanduringBraj Holi Festival on 17th March, 2019at Lohagarh Stadium, Bharatpur
292 Fabrication and Assembling of 150 nos. throughing brackets for 1200 mm belt conveyor suitable for 460 X 152 mm dia. Throughing rollers required for belt conveyors C4, C5, C6 and C7 at RLS, Bharatpur OCP
293 Hiring of 01 no. Mini-Truck having minimum carrying capacity 4 Te for 24 hours duty, maximum 4000 Km run per month, for a period of 682 days in 02 years for CHP of Bharatpur OCP.
294 Kandi Bharatpur Salar Road ,0.00 to 27.665 km(Except 12.996 km to 13.152 km), widening and strengthening work under Murshidabad Highway Division No.II in the district of Murshidabad.
295 Raising, Strengthening of Sehalai Thakuranichak Circuit Embankment on right bank of river Bele from 17.110 Km. to 18.160 Km. in P.S. & Block- Bharatpur-I, Dist.-Murshidabad."
296 Construction of Road Work from Bharatpur Badhaun Road To Bharatpur Madhi ID 7402
TRN : 592240 |  Aligarh - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 21.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of road work from bharatpur badhaun road to bharatpur madhi id 7402
297 Construction of Bathing ghat at Bharatpur Ghosal bandh
TRN : 589989 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of bathing ghat at bharatpur ghosal bandh
298 Construction of Bathing ghat at Bharatpur Ghosal bandh
TRN : 590015 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of bathing ghat at bharatpur ghosal bandh
299 Supply of water for domestic purpose through water tanker to village Jambubahali under Bharatpur Area for the year 2019
TRN : 589306 |  Bharathpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 6.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of water for domestic purpose through water tanker to village jambubahali under bharatpur area for the year 2019
300 PMJTS18038-Annual Rate Contract for Civil Maintenance jobs at NRPL Bharatpur.
TRN : 589501 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 5.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for pmjts18038-annual rate contract for civil maintenance jobs at nrpl bharatpur.

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