You have searched for Tenders of bilaspur in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Reliable Drinking water source/Augmentation of existing source of multi villages group piped water scheme for part of Sadar of Bilaspur District HP (under JJM) (SH Laying jointing and testing of G.M.S. pipe for Gravity main, distribution system a
22 Operation and maintenance of LWSS Swahan (old) in Tehsil Sh. Naina Devi Ji District Bilaspur (SH Deployment of labour for operation and maintenance of LWSS Swahan (old) for one year..
23 Deployment of man power for operation of LWSS Sh. Naina Devi Ji (Town) and LWSS Sh. Naina Devi Ji Old in Tehsil Sh. Naina Devi Ji District Bilaspur for 12 months.
24 Restoration of rain damages of LWSS Kulwari in GP Mehri Kathla in Tehsil Ghumarwin District Bilaspur (SH Construction of Percolation well of 6.00 mtr and 6 mtrs deep).
25 Improve and remodelling of LIS Kot Dehra by filling water in Rewal and Kot Tal in Tehsil Ghumarwin Distt Bilaspur HP SH CO Sump Welll Desilting Tank Pump House Toilet Block outlets thrust block and providing fixing barbed wire fencing
26 Providing estate water supply in S.D.O. Civil and Judicial Block Complex at Bilaspur of Tehsil Bilaspur Distt. Yamuna Nagar ( Deposit work). Prov. & installing 1 No. tube well of size 250mmx200mm upto a depth of 200 mtrs BGL by Reverse Rotary Rig, Submersible pumping set 300LPM/130 mtr Head , 80 mm G.I. lowring pipe & submersible cable 6 mm2 & all other works contingent thereto,”According to ISI specification No. 2800-1991 (Part-1 ) & IS 2800-1979 (Part-II) as amended upto date.
27 Providing estate water supply in S.D.O. Civil and Judicial Block Complex at Bilaspur of Tehsil Bilaspur Distt. Yamuna Nagar Deposit work. Prov. and installing 1 No. tube well of size 250mmx200mm upto a depth of 200 mtrs BGL by Reverse Rotary Rig Sub
28 award of handling contract at HG bilaspur
TRN : 842745 |  Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 12.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for award of handling contract at hg bilaspur
29 Providing Lift water supply scheme for AIIMS and Hydro Engineering College from Kol Dam Reservoir in Tehsil Sadar District Bilaspur (H.P) (SH: Construction of intake chamber, water treatment plant, pump house, main / sub storage tanks, retaining wall / breast wall, Achor blocks, approach road, providing laying jointing of pipe lines including supplying and fixing of required valves etc. for rising main/ gravity main, restoration of roads, barbed wire fencing electrical wiring, automation, gaseous chlorination based disinfection system, supply and installation of pumping machinery including accessories and post completion operation and maintenance of the whole scheme for 5 years complete in all respect)
30 Construction of inspection Hut at DIC Bilaspur, Distt. Bilaspur (HP).
TRN : 839792 |  Bilaspur (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 15.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of inspection hut at dic bilaspur, distt. bilaspur (hp).

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