You have searched for Tenders of burdwan in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 Construction Temporary Byepass drain at front of cover drain from G.T.Road College More to Marble house in Ward no-1 & 3 Within in Burdwan Municipality
182 Extension of 132/33 KV Control Room Building and allied work at Katwa 132 KV Sub station, under Burdwan Area Office, WBSETCL
TRN : 520482 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 26.14 Lacs | Agency Name : West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited
Tender award for extension of 132/33 kv control room building and allied work at katwa 132 kv sub station, under burdwan area office, wbsetcl
183 Construction of 20(Twenty) capacity passenger Shelter at Jajigram more 102nd km. of Katwa-Ketugram Ramjibanpur Road (SH-6) of Katwa Highway Sub-Division under Burdwan North Highway Division in the dist of Purba Bardhaman during the year 2018_19
184 Carry out cross section & long section Survey work @100Mtr interval respectively including detailed cross section survey along the canal upto 15mtr from the country side toe of canal embankment or from edge of the bank (where the canal is in cutting zone) of the New Gangur & Behula and its distributory in Burdwan-II, Memari-I & II, Kalna-I & II Block in Purba Barddhaman District and Pandua Block in Hooghly District, including preparation and submission of 2 sets of cross sectional and long sectional drawing(both in excel & Auto CAD) along with level book in excel.(All are in hard & soft Copy.)
185 Construction of 3m. span slab culvert (replaced by damaged irrigation slab culvert) at 4.05km. of Karajgram-Bonkapasi Road under Katwa Highway Sub-Division of Burdwan North Highway Division in the dist of Purba Bardhaman during the year 2018_19
186 Construction of 1m. span slab culvert by replacing damaged H.P. culverts at 0.690km. of Balgona-Guskara Mankar Road under Bhatar Highway Sub-Division No.-II of Burdwan North Highway Division in the dist of Purba Bardhaman during the year 2018_19
187 Mentanance and Repairing work of G.T. Road (SH-13) from 591.00 Kmp to 593.00 Kmp for Repairing Pot-Holes ,20 mm P.C. type B seal coat chilchilling etc under Burdwan Highway Sub-Division No-II of Burdwan South Highway Division during the year 2018-19.
188 Construction of bituminous road from St. Xaviers road to Balaji housing complex ward no. 12 under Burdwan Municipality, (3rd Call).
189 The Beautification of pond at Officer's Colony, under Ward No 10 Burdwan Municipality. (3rd Call)
TRN : 514563 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Development Authority
Tender award for the beautification of pond at officer's colony, under ward no 10 burdwan municipality. (3rd call)
190 Maintaince & repair of office building of Damodar Canal Revenue Division No-I , Court Compound , Burdwan under Sanko Section of D.C.Hd Qtr Sub-Division with in D.C.Division

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