You have searched for Tenders of burdwan in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
41Construction of boundary wall including construction of Pathway at Head Work Site of Bamunpara & its adjoining mouzas Water Supply Scheme within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (Length -110 Mtr, No of Columns= 32 Nos. Centre to Centre-3.5 Mtr.) For Single Tie Beam
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
42Construction of pucca drain from Saratikar Paschim Ghosh Para’s main road to Mal Para’s via Kashinath Nayek House under Saraitikar G.P. at Burdwan Planning Area.
Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
54.1 Thousand |Agency Name :
District Magistrate
45Construction of boundary wall and other ancillary works around Akaskusum (unit for physically challenged persons) at Ward No. 25 under Burdwan Municipality.
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
82.35 Lacs |Agency Name :
Development Authority
49Construction of concrete road from “Sukumar Debnath’s house to Amalendu Sinha’s house at Nibeditapally (Bhasapara) of Saraitikar G.P. Burdwan I Block
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
24.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Development Authority