You have searched for Tenders of cochin in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

41 Supply of sand and Resanding of Slow Sand Filter No. 2 at Filter Bed of our Drinking Water Purification System for FACT Township in Thermal Plant of FACT (Cochin Division) at Ambalamedu, Kochi.
42 Replacing the damaged roof sheets and Painting of DM Unit and other allied civil works in SA Plant of FACT (Cochin Division)
TRN : 741882 |  Ernakulam - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
Tender award for replacing the damaged roof sheets and painting of dm unit and other allied civil works in sa plant of fact (cochin division)
43 Consultancy services for carrying out Basic Engineering, Preparation of tender document etc for Sea Water Intake System for LPG Import Terminal, Cochin
44 Soil investigation at the proposed location of Sulphuric Acid storage tanks and W3 Heat Exchanger at FACT (Cochin Division),Ambalamedu.
TRN : 756131 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
Tender award for soil investigation at the proposed location of sulphuric acid storage tanks and w3 heat exchanger at fact (cochin division),ambalamedu.
45 Supply, Delivery and Installation and Commissioning of 13 Persons Capacity passenger lift for the work of Construction of 1036 Nos. of PC/HC quarters at Cochin House in Chennai City under Phase-XX/4800 quarters scheme for the year 2013-14
46 Civil and Structural works for 100 TPD Caustic Concentration Plant and 75 TPD Caustic Soda Plant at The Travancore Cochin Chemicals Ltd
TRN : 714940 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.64 Crore | Agency Name : Malabar Cements Limited
Tender award for supply of 27000 mt high grade sweetener lime stone on for walayar or cfr cochin port basis
48 Private Security personnel at DRI Zonal office, Cochin
TRN : 682596 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Revenue Department
Tender award for private security personnel at dri zonal office, cochin
49 Repair of western cell of PAP Cooling tower in FACT (Cochin Division).
TRN : 710636 |  Cochin - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Fertilizer Copr. Of India Ltd.
Tender award for repair of western cell of pap cooling tower in fact (cochin division).
50 Repair of western cell of PAP Cooling tower in FACT (Cochin Division).
TRN : 688036 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
Tender award for repair of western cell of pap cooling tower in fact (cochin division).

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