You have searched for Tenders of jaipur in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

191 Providing of cable mapping for existing underground cables/pipes in operational area at Jaipur International Airport
TRN : 616331 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 4.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for providing of cable mapping for existing underground cables/pipes in operational area at jaipur international airport
TRN : 615091 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 8.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repairs to street lights at af stn jaipur
193 Procurement of printer cartridges for newly installed printers LEXMARK MX310dn at Chaksu station, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
TRN : 614732 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of printer cartridges for newly installed printers lexmark mx310dn at chaksu station, jaipur (rajasthan).
194 Procurement of GE Fanuc Micro 40 PLC for fire fighting engine at Chaksu station, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
TRN : 614735 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 67.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of ge fanuc micro 40 plc for fire fighting engine at chaksu station, jaipur (rajasthan)
195 Periodical Services to OTM Accn in Queens Road and Officer MD Accn at Ajay Meru MGs Enclave in Zone III area under GE South Jaipur
196 Repair and Maint to Sewage Line Soakage well land septic Tank including cleaning of Sewage line Soakage well septic tank and manhole in Queens Road and Haldighati line in Zone III area under GE South Jaipur
197 Request for Proposal for FMS and AMC of the equipment(s)for Data Center (Jaipur),Disaster Recovery Site (Jodhpur) IT infrastructure at HO Branches for Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank Ltd. Jaipur
198 Special Repair to External Elect Service at KV No 2 at Jaipur Mil Stn under GE South J
TRN : 610746 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 12.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repair to external elect service at kv no 2 at jaipur mil stn under ge south j
199 Supply of Drinking Water through tankers to Village Jarada Telisingha Chhelia Kansamunda Jaipur Aditya Prasad Gundrunali Gulendo Mallpasi under CSR for a period of 120 Days Summer Season at Kaniha OCP of Kaniha Area Re Tender
200 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of LPG Pipeline for installation of 425 Kg Filling facility at Jaipur LPG Bottling Plant . The rates are inclusive of all the testing’s ie, statutory NDT inspection, Hydro testing (IS:2825) and Certification of pipelines (Visual Inspection (ASME Sec.V/Sub.Sec.A/B), Magnetic Particle Inspection(ASTM-E/709), Dye-Penetration Inspection(ASTM-E/165), Ultrasonic Thickness inspection (ASTM-A/435) for weld joints, Ultrasonic Flaw detection(ASTM-A/577), 100 % Radiography of welded joints(ASTM-E-94), Hardness test(ASME-E-110), Hydro test or any other test as per statutory requirements) is required to be carried out from competent person is in the scope of bidder. The tenderer should consider the cost towards the testing while quoting their offer

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