You have searched for Tenders of jamshedpur in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Empanelment of agencies to provide technical and non-technical manpower resource for 33 KV/ 11 KV/ LT line, distribution transformer maintenance and 33 /11 KV Power Sub Station operation & revenue related works under Electric Supply Area, Jamshedpur
32 Empanelment of agencies to provide technical and non-technical manpower resource for 33 KV/ 11 KV/ LT line, distribution transformer maintenance and 33 /11 KV Power Sub Station operation & revenue related works under Electric Supply Area, Jamshedpur
33 Empanelment of agencies to provide technical and non-technical manpower resource for 33 KV/ 11 KV/ LT line, distribution transformer maintenance and 33 /11 KV Power Sub Station operation & revenue related works under Electric Supply Area, Jamshedpur
34 Carrying out Quantitative Risk Assessment and HAZOP study at Indane Bottling Plant Jamshedpur.
TRN : 777066 |  Jamshedpur - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for carrying out quantitative risk assessment and hazop study at indane bottling plant jamshedpur.
35 Revamping of ILSD system to PLC based with 2 Remote DV control stations, 2 MIMIC panels along with 2 SCADA, joining of 5 new MCPs and existing MCPs to the PLC based module, display of ROV open/close status and remote control of ROV from control stations in the new proposed PLC module at Jamshedpur BP.

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