You have searched for Tenders of kozhikode in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

461 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Kattappoyil kalankulangara meethal road in Atholy Retender
TRN : 519371 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.42 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 kattappoyil kalankulangara meethal road in atholy retender
462 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Cheruvannur Kandiyil thazhe road Cheruvannur IInd Retender
TRN : 519389 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 26.99 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 cheruvannur kandiyil thazhe road cheruvannur iind retender
463 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Murukuthi kalloor kariyangad market road in Changaroth IInd Retender
TRN : 519391 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 41.80 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 murukuthi kalloor kariyangad market road in changaroth iind retender
464 AR 2018 19 to OP Block GHIJ attached to Medical college Kozhikode Clearing blocks repairs to water supply and sanitary arrangements ceiling repairs etc.
465 Construction of Lecture Theatre Complex attached to Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode SITC of Fire Fighting Arragement
TRN : 518958 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 18.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of lecture theatre complex attached to govt. medical college, kozhikode sitc of fire fighting arragement
466 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Kakkattuvayal road,Chembotharavayal Kottiyadath road,Elavana road Re surfacing,ward 6 ,Sector 2.-Retender
467 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Parakkulam road,Kadappamannil,east Vellimadukunnu,Ammoth road ,sidewall reconstruction and reconcreting.EW 11,GSD3/18-19- Retender
468 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Chevarambalam Tharammal road,Madhuravanam road,Palattuthazha Chulliyod road re surfacing,ward 13 sector 2,18-19-Retender
469 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Devagiri college LP school,Nenminimeethal road,Aamattu road Nearby roads side wall strengthening,footpath and drain renovation, EW 22,GS 3.-Retender
470 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Kakkattu parambath edavazhi drinage,cheroot kizhakku edavazhi tarring kuruvettini edavazhi concreting ,ward26,sector 2.-Retender

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