You have searched for Tenders of kullu in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

71 Construction of Pre-Engineered Eco-friendly Market at Marhi, Tehsil- Manali, Distt. - Kullu HP SH Providing E.I in under construction portion therein
72 onstruction of Pre-Engineered Eco-friendly Market at Marhi, Tehsil- Manali District Kullu HP SH Providing E.I in 7 Nos. Restaurants and 3 Nos. Shops in One Structure therein
73 Construction of Indoor Auditorium for Cultural programme at Kullu District Kullu HP SH Providing and fixing LED Video Wall Screen therein
74 Design Supplying Installation testing and commissioning of 200 KLD STP based on MMBR Technology I c Sewer Network at Marhi in Tehsil Manali and Distt Kullu HP
75 Providing Lift irrigation scheme to Neol Noutod in Tehsil Bhuntar Distt. Kullu HP. SH. Const.of pump House ,delivery tank, out let, etc. , Pov. Laying Rising main and HDPE pipe distribution system and providing and errection of pumping machinery
76 Providing Lift irrigation scheme to Pirdi in Tehsil Bhuntar Distt. Kullu HP. SH. Const of pump House ,delivery tank,out let, etc. , Prov. Laying Rising main and HDPE pipe distribution system and providing and errection of pumping machinery
77 Construction of SubJail Complex Kullu Distt Kullu HP SH Construction of administrative block including internal WS SI and 5000 litre capacity RWHT
TRN : 535310 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.37 Crore | Agency Name : Anantapuramu Hindupur Urban Development Authority
Tender award for construction of subjail complex kullu distt kullu hp sh construction of administrative block including internal ws si and 5000 litre capacity rwht
78 Providing water supply scheme to PC habitation of G P Tunan and Kharga in Nirmand Block, Distt. Kullu HP SH Laying jointing and testing of GMS LG 20mm dia 2250Rmt 25mm dia 1200Rmt 32mm dia 2480Rmt 40mm dia 1850Rmt and 50mm dia 6550 Rmt at various RDs
79 Prov LWSS to PC habitation in G.P. Chowai and Shilli in CV Manjadesh in Anni Block Distt Kullu HP SH Providing laying MSERW pipe and GI Pipe in rising main of 80mm dia providing and installation of centrifugal pumping machinery with allied accessor
80 Prov LWSS to PC habitation in G.P. Chowai and Shilli in C V Manjadesh in Anni Block Distt Kullu H P SH CO Sump Well cum Storage tank 2Nos 97000Ltrs Each CO Sedimentation Tank 1No CO Filter Bed 1No and Chlorination Chamber No

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