384Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Ramp for Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For District Social Welfare Officer Building, Suwidha Center, Bachat Bhawan and ADC Block in DAC at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.80 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
385Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet, Lift and Ramp For Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Forestry and Natural Science, Department of Horticultural and College Home Science in PAU at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.22 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
386Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Ramp For Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Block C and D in SCD Govt. College at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
94.27 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
387Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Ramp For Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Block A and B in SCD Govt. College at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
79.53 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
388Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Ramp for Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Auditorium and Boys Hostel in SCD Govt. College at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
76.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
389Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Lift (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Directorate of Extension Education, Auditorium, Administrative Block (Thapar Hall and Mini Thapar Hall) and Department of Soil Sceince in PAU at Ludhiana (Punja
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.62 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
390Construction of Entrance Ramp, Toilet and Ramp For Upper Storey (For Person With Disability Phase-1) For Faculty Club, Working Women Hostel and Womens Community Centre in PAU at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.43 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department