You have searched for Tenders of malda in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

271 Temporary Electrical Installation work including DG set and sound system in connection with Parliament General Election 2019 at Malda Polytechnic Malda
272 Temporary Electrical Installation work including DG set and sound system in connection with Parliament General Election 2019 at Malda College Malda
273 Infrastructural development works for Election to the House of People 2019 at Malda Polytechnic Venue PART III Surface Dressing Shuttering Laying synthetic floor mat etc
274 Infrastructural development works for Election to the House of People 2019 at Malda Polytechnic Venue PART II Bamboo Barricades Towers Chairs Tables Benches Welcome Gate Chicken Mesh Drop Gates PVC White Board etc
275 Infrastructural development works for Election to the House of People 2019 at Malda Polytechnic Venue PART I Temp Shed and Cloth walling etc
276 Infrastructural development works for Election to the House of People 2019 at Malda College Venue PART III Surface Dressing Shuttering Laying synthetic floor mat etc
277 Infrastructural development works for Election to the House of People 2019 at Malda College Venue PART II Bamboo Barricades Towers Chairs Tables Benches Welcome Gate Chicken Mesh Drop Gates PVC White Board etc
278 Repair Renovation and upgradation work of Academic cum Administrative Building and workshop complex at Malda Polytechnic
TRN : 613225 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.95 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for repair renovation and upgradation work of academic cum administrative building and workshop complex at malda polytechnic
279 Improvement of SH-10 (Sahapada Chowk) to Malda via Hirma road from 6/250 Km to 7/550 Km in the district of Jharsuguda under State Plan
280 Providing Data Entry Operator at different offices (i.e. North Circle Office, Siliguri Division Office, Malda Division Office and different Sub-Divisions under Siliguri Division and Malda Division), Housing Directorate for the year 2019-20.

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