You have searched for Tenders of malda in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

331 Raising & Strengthening of Marginal Embankment including construction of Inspection path on the left bank of river Kalindri for a length of 4000 m. (from 0.00KM to 4.0KM i.e. Noorpur Barrage to Nazirpur Tiyorpara) in Block & P.S. Manikchak, Dist.- Malda.
332 Improvement of inspection path cum village road on Ex-Zamindari embankment for a length of 2.5 KM inconection with Dolachhola Circuit embankment at Block & P.S. Habibpur District Malda (2nd Call)
333 Construction of Bridge over Malda Nallah at 7th km. on Birikala to Sagapali Road under OMBADC for the year 2018-19 in the District of Keonjhar.
334 Roof treatment and other repairing work of Malda Museum, during the year 2018-19.
TRN : 588191 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 13.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for roof treatment and other repairing work of malda museum, during the year 2018-19.
335 Construction of pavement with interlocking designer paver block (60mm thick) at the approach of the Malda Collectorate Annex Building, during the year 2018-19.
336 Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning, and 3 (three) months Trial Run of 93.14 m3 / hr. capacity Iron Elimination Plants (Pressure type) with provision of polishing unit including construction of 1 (one) Compressor Room with internal size (3.6mtr x 3.00 mtr) and proper disposal of backwash water for DAHARA Water Supply Scheme at Harishchandrapur-II Dev. Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda
337 Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning, and 3 (three) months Trial Run of 100.00 m3 / hr. capacity Iron Elimination Plants (Pressure type) with provision of polishing unit including construction of 1 (one) Compressor Room with internal size (3.6mtr x 3.00 mtr) and proper disposal of backwash water for BHAIRABPUR Water Supply Scheme at Harishchandrapur-II Dev. Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda
338 Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning, and 3 (three) months Trial Run of 152.00 m3 / hr. capacity Iron Elimination Plants (Pressure type) with provision of polishing unit including construction of 1 (one) Compressor Room with internal size (3.6mtr x 3.00 mtr) and proper disposal of backwash water for KHOPAKATI Water Supply Scheme at Harishchandrapur-II Dev. Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda
339 Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning, and 3 (three) months Trial Run of 75.00 m3 / hr. capacity Iron Elimination Plants (Pressure type) with provision of polishing unit including construction of 1 (one) Compressor Room with internal size (3.6mtr x 3.00 mtr) and proper disposal of backwash water for BEJPURA Water Supply Scheme at Harishchandrapur-II Dev. Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda
340 Design, Fabrication, Supplying, Installation, Commissioning, and 3 (three) months Trial Run of 65.43 m3 / hr. capacity Iron Elimination Plants (Pressure type) with provision of polishing unit including construction of 1 (one) Compressor Room with internal size (3.6mtr x 3.00 mtr) and proper disposal of backwash water for AKALPUR Water Supply Scheme at Gazole Dev. Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda

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