You have searched for Tenders of malda in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

441 Laying UPVC pipe line for gap negotiation and repairing of pipe line of KHATIL Water Supply scheme at Bamongola Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda.
442 Jack Pushing of M.S. pipe of 200 mm dia. through 600 mm dia R.C.C Hume pipe(NP4)/M.S. pipe by Hydraulic Jacking Technique method through RLY. Track at (KM.-11/9-12) between Muchia(MCE) and Bulbulchandi(BBC) station for NEMUA and it's adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the district of Malda.
443 Construction of Additional class room at NayaBilaimari Pry school Room no.3 under Ratua-I Dev. Block, Malda
TRN : 534573 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.79 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room at nayabilaimari pry school room no.3 under ratua-i dev. block, malda
444 Construction of Additional class Room at Kalutola Pry school Room no.2 under Ratua-I Dev Block, Malda
TRN : 534574 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.79 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room at kalutola pry school room no.2 under ratua-i dev block, malda
445 Construction of Additional class Room at Ainuddin ajijtola Pry school Room no.3 under Ratua-I Dev Block, Malda
TRN : 534575 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.79 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room at ainuddin ajijtola pry school room no.3 under ratua-i dev block, malda
446 Construction of Additional class Room at Ghurghuramoni Pry school Room no.4 under Ratua-I Dev Block, Malda
TRN : 534576 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.79 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room at ghurghuramoni pry school room no.4 under ratua-i dev block, malda
447 Construction of Additional class Room at Ghurghuramoni Pry school Room no.1 under Ratua-I Dev Block, Malda
TRN : 534577 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.79 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room at ghurghuramoni pry school room no.1 under ratua-i dev block, malda
448 Upgradation pipe line with HDPE pipe at Jote Domon towards Rathbari under Jote- Gopal Kagmari W/S scheme under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHE Dte.
449 Relocation of Distribution Main in Manikchak distribution from Seventy More to Manikchak stand in Northern Sector of Malda Arsenic Area Water Supply Scheme Division PHED for proposed Widenening of SH-10
450 Day to Day Operation and Up-Keeping of Site Office-cum-Water Collection Centre and its premises centre (LUKOCHURI) under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHED providing all necessary man-holding supports and services to Visitors’ [Period from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019 ] ( For 365 days) .

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