You have searched for Tenders of mandi in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1081 Special Repair Replacement of old Pole Fittings Under Ground Cables and Piller boxes in Anaz Mandi Sandour, Prov YL SL in NGM Sandour of MC Sandour and Tower lighting System in PC SY at Abdulapur MC Sandour, Distt Sangrur (under 750 Cr project)
1082 Collection of User Charges at Pathankot Mandi
TRN : 601085 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 49.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for collection of user charges at pathankot mandi
1083 S/R Replacement of old Pole Fittings, Under Ground Cables and Piller boxes in Anaz Mandi Boha and Tower lighting System in Purchase Center Subyard at Reound Kalan, Akanwali, Hakamwala, Ramnagar Bhathal MC Boha Distt. Mansa (under 750 Cr Project)
1084 Construction work of C.C.Road in Pet Mandi from chatar singh house/factory to mukesh plot and Interlocking tiles from Naim shop to Iqbal Neta house and from 45 Foota road to Hazi Jaffar house in ward no 17 Sevanagar Hindon Vihar Gzb Gali 2
1085 Replacement of Rusted pipe line of WSS Tandoo and Mehar in GP Tandoo in Tehsil Sadar Distt Mandi HP
TRN : 601938 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for replacement of rusted pipe line of wss tandoo and mehar in gp tandoo in tehsil sadar distt mandi hp
1086 Remodeling of WSS in GP Kau and Devdhar Sub Tehsil Balichwoki Distt. Mandi H.P SH- Construction of intake chamber , C O Storage Tank 23100 Ltr. Cap. C O Sedimentation Tank 23100 Ltr. Cap. C O Slow Sand Filter Bed 57.56 Sqm in 3 units, C O Storage Tank 23100 L
1087 Aug. of WSS Thalkandhar in GP Gharan, WSS to NC/PC Habitation in CV Rehan, Bandhi & Halag in Bandhi, Aug of WSS Palnidhar, Bandal and WSS Saran, Badeni, Khablas, Surath, Sehgal & Sansoi, Rahari in GP Kotadhar in Tehsil Sadar Distt Mandi HP. (SH:- Provision for development of site for C/O Treatment works, C/O Sump Well/Clear water Tank 29200 Ltr Cap. 2 Nos, C/O RCC Circular Main Storage Tank 116700 Ltr Cap., C/O Pump House cum Attendent room 2 Nos, and C/O 2 Nos Toilet for Pump House staff ). Phase-2nd
1088 Aug. of WSS Thalkandhar in GP GharanWSS to NC PC Habitation in CV Rehan, Bandhi Halag in GP Bandhi, Aug of WSS Palnidhar, Bandal and WSS Saran, Badeni, Khablas, Surath, Sehgal Sansoi, Rahari in GP Kotadhar in Tehsil Sadar Distt Mandi HP UNDER NABA
1089 CAD of LIS Upper Pandoh in GP Pandoh Tehsil Sadar Distt. Mandi HP SH- Construction of Retaining wall to protect the pipe line CO Field Out lets 3 Nos CO Chamber for protection of Hydrants 17 Nos and Laying Jointing and testing of HDPE pipes at various Dias and
1090 CAD of LIS Hansu Sojha, Jori Kigas in Tehsil Sadar Distt Mandi HP SH- Construction of Anchor Block CO Retaining wall to protect the pipe line CO Outlets 16 Nos CO Chamber for protection of Hydrants 27 Nos Providing and Laying HDPE pipe PN 6.0 8.0 632 and 492 R

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