234Civil and Structural steel work for cooling tower staircase, mechanical office, welfare and repair work of various building in Ammonia I plant at RCF Factory Chembur Mumbai-400074
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
32.91 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
237(As per P.W. Manual 1984 Para 200 and Appendix 42 only for Selected Contractor) S.R. to Raj Bhavan Mumbai- Repairs to Overflow Gutter and Dado of Swimming pool at Raj Bhavan Mumbai.
Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
238(As per P.W. Manual 1984 Para 200 and Appendix 42 only of Selected Contractor) S.R. to Raj Bhavan, Mumbai, Painting to Top M.T. Roof of Bay Bungalow, Lower Gate Internally and Externally, Beach Bungalow 1st floor Flat No. 3 (Shri. Sushil More), Neer
Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
9.51 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
239(As per P.W. Manual 1984 Para 200 and Appendix 42 only of Selected Contractor) S.R. to Raj Bhavan, Mumbai. Providing and fixing European type W.C. Pan to Flat No. 1109 of G-14 Building B Wing (Shri. Pusadkar) and European type W.C. Pan to Flat No. 50
Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
240(As per P.W. Manual 1984 Para 200 and Appendix 42 only of Selected Contractor) S.R. to Raj Bhavan, Mumbai. Providing Key stone in Pitching of West side of Toe wall and Providing and Injecting grouting to Swimming pool at Rajbhavan Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
8.30 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department