762roviding fixing kitchen trolley, Gypsum board false ceiling, full height door shutters at A, B C type Bunglow GB A9, A4, B3, B5, B2, C6 at Madam Cama Road, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
9.89 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
763Renewing flooring, paneling and other essential items at Room No.129 on 1st floor of round building, And Providing veneer partition and wall paneling at room No. 306 on 3rd floor at New Council Hall Building, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
13.74 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
765Painting of walls, Repairs to Flooring, Repairs to Plaster, Water supply line and Windows Doors in Various Quarters etc. at Nilambari Building, G.J. Bhosale Marg, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
19.65 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
767Manual Cleaning of 27 Chawls & Supplying of cleaning material for Manual Cleaning of B D D Chawl No. A-1 to A-19 & B-1 to B-23 at
Naigaon, Mumbai for 6 Months.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
27.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
768Manual Cleaning of 32 Chawls & Supplying of cleaning material for Manual Cleaning of B D D Chawl No. 1 to 32 N.M. Joshi Marg, & 5 to
16 at Sewree, Mumbai for 6 Months.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
31.19 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department