You have searched for Tenders of nagaon in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

41 Stage Strengthening under Annual Plan for the year 2019-2020 from Km 440/000 to 445/000 and km 500/000 to 510/00 (Total Length - 15.00 Km) of NH- 52 (New NH-515) under Nagaon NH Division, Nagaon in the State of Assam.
42 Periodic Renewal for the year 2019-20 from Km 398/050 to Km 408/000 (Total Length - 9.95 Km) of NH- 15 under PWD Nagaon NH Division Nagaon in the State of Assam on EPC mode. (Job.No.TA/015/AS/2019-20/250)
43 Construction and Renovation work of Nawgong College, Nagaon under RUSA
TRN : 737500 |  Nagaon - Assam
Contract Value : 1.30 Crore | Agency Name : Assam State Cooperative Housing Federation Limited
Tender award for construction and renovation work of nawgong college, nagaon under rusa
44 Construction of Protection Wall for Prathmik Shala at Nagaon Tal.Hatkanangale Dist.Kolhapur (Under 14th F.C.G.P.Level Year 2019-20).
45 Construction of New Roads, Up-gradation of the existing bituminous Internal Roads and RCC Drainage and Culvert works at Industrial Estate, Dhing, Nagaon, Assam
46 Loading of Steel material at Senchowa , Nagaon and Transportation of Steel material from Senchowa , Nagaon
TRN : 733152 |  Nagaon - Assam
Contract Value : 29.74 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for loading of steel material at senchowa , nagaon and transportation of steel material from senchowa , nagaon
47 IInd call NRDWP Aug to Piped Water Supply Scheme At. Nagaon Jadhavwadi Tal Mahad Dist. Raigad
TRN : 754945 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for iind call nrdwp aug to piped water supply scheme at. nagaon jadhavwadi tal mahad dist. raigad
48 Strengthening of existing 2 lane (Total Length-35.00 km of NH-52(New NH-15) under Annual Plan for the year of 2018-19 under Nagaon NH Division, Nagaon in the State of Assam on EPC mode, Job No 052(New NH-15)/AS/2018-19/185)
49 S.T.B.T Road to from Marathi Shala to Sawant Katta (Mouje Vadgaon Road) at Nagaon Tal.Hatkanangale Dist.Kolhapur (Under 14th F.C.G.P Level Year 2019-20).
50 Renovation of old Assam Type Hospital and Construction of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre at Assam Homoeopathic College & Hospital, Nagaon under Tejasvi Navadhitamastu Edu-Infra Funds (TNEIF) for the FY 2018-19

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