You have searched for Tenders of nagpur in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

81 Providing And Supplying S. S. Dinning Table And Chairs For Dining Hall Assembly Period 2019 At 160 Tenament, Nagpur
TRN : 851009 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing and supplying s. s. dinning table and chairs for dining hall assembly period 2019 at 160 tenament, nagpur
82 Providing And Fixing Of Lcd Projector With kit And Screen 6X8 inch In Meeting Hall At Ravi Bhavan Nagpur
TRN : 851010 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing and fixing of lcd projector with kit and screen 6x8 inch in meeting hall at ravi bhavan nagpur
83 Hire Of Colour 32 inch T.V. / Lcd T.V. Set For Rac-2019 At Mla Hostel, Nagpur
TRN : 851011 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for hire of colour 32 inch t.v. / lcd t.v. set for rac-2019 at mla hostel, nagpur
84 Hire Of Colour 32 inch T.V. Set For Rac 2019 At Ravibhavan, Nagbhavan, Ramgiri, Deogiri, Hyd House, Nagpur ( Winter Session)
85 Special Repair to CWN Hingana in Nagpur Division.(Renovation to Existing Sheet roofing and MS Gutter by replacing of Metacolour sheet at Store Sec)
TRN : 851030 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for special repair to cwn hingana in nagpur division.(renovation to existing sheet roofing and ms gutter by replacing of metacolour sheet at store sec)
86 Providing HMHL Asphalting Treatment to the Ghatroad Quartera area in Nagpur Division.
TRN : 851031 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for providing hmhl asphalting treatment to the ghatroad quartera area in nagpur division.
87 Providing Faciliteis to Handicap and Blind Passangers Bus Staion at Mohapa in Nagpur Division
TRN : 851032 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for providing faciliteis to handicap and blind passangers bus staion at mohapa in nagpur division
88 Providing Faciliteis to Handicap and Blind Passangers Bus Staion at Khapa in Nagpur Division
TRN : 851033 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for providing faciliteis to handicap and blind passangers bus staion at khapa in nagpur division
89 Providing Facility to Handicap and Blind Passangers Bus Station at Jalalkheda in Nagpur Division
TRN : 851034 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for providing facility to handicap and blind passangers bus station at jalalkheda in nagpur division
90 Providing Faciliteis to Handicap and Blind Passangers Bus Staion at Dhapewada in Nagpur Division
TRN : 851035 |  Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for providing faciliteis to handicap and blind passangers bus staion at dhapewada in nagpur division

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