912Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of automation system for Tank Truck Entry, Sampling, decantaion and loading of refueller, Tank Farm Management System, etc along with associated works at Nagpur Aviation Fuel Station under Mahar
Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
7.69 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
915Hiring of hydraulic roof bolting machine alongwith power pack with manpower for operation of machine for mechanized roof bolting in conjunction with resin capsules in panel E 14 of seam II sector C at Silewara Colliery of Nagpur Area
Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
17.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited
918Contruction of W.B.M. Road From Highway Road to Prabhakar Sate ,Joyti Kambade to Potbhare at Chaitanya Layout And From Main to H/O Omprakash Prabhag No.03 Saoner Dist.Nagpur
Nagpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
48.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Council