You have searched for Tenders of panipat in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 Supply of DCP Extinguisher Parts To IOCL Panipat Refnery and Petrochemical Complex
TRN : 747803 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of dcp extinguisher parts to iocl panipat refnery and petrochemical complex
182 PEG Tender of Labh singh Diwana at PanipatPEG Tender of Labh singh Diwana at PanipatPEG Tender of Labh singh Diwana at Panipat
183 labour and cartage of PEG Raj kumar at Panipat
TRN : 746994 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Hafed
Tender award for labour and cartage of peg raj kumar at panipat
184 labour and cartage of same singh passina at panipat district
TRN : 746995 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Hafed
Tender award for labour and cartage of same singh passina at panipat district
185 Supply of Hydrochloric Acid For DCRTPP Yamuna Nagar PTPS Panipat and RGTPP Hisar AS PER NIT
TRN : 746050 |  Yamuna Nagar - Haryana
Contract Value : 21.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of hydrochloric acid for dcrtpp yamuna nagar ptps panipat and rgtpp hisar as per nit
186 Supply of Liquid Chlorine For DCRTPP Yamuna Nagar PTPS Panipat and RGTPP Hisar AS PER NIT
TRN : 746997 |  Yamuna Nagar - Haryana
Contract Value : 20.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of liquid chlorine for dcrtpp yamuna nagar ptps panipat and rgtpp hisar as per nit
187 Annual Rate Contract for Analysis of Soil and Water sample at Panipat Refinery
TRN : 747985 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 7.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual rate contract for analysis of soil and water sample at panipat refinery
188 Repairing of water leaks from concrete water Retaining Structures at Panipat Refinery and Petrochemical Complex
TRN : 747998 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 38.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repairing of water leaks from concrete water retaining structures at panipat refinery and petrochemical complex
189 Contract for transportation of material from Panipat Refinery to Banglore vadodara Thane and vice versa
TRN : 743483 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for contract for transportation of material from panipat refinery to banglore vadodara thane and vice versa
190 Annual Rate Contract for System-1 optimization and Machinery Diagnostic Systems at Panipat Naphtha Cracker, Panipat
TRN : 742467 |  Panipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 66.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual rate contract for system-1 optimization and machinery diagnostic systems at panipat naphtha cracker, panipat

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