You have searched for Tenders of patiala in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Patchwork on Black top Roads of various ward of Patiala II area Est cost Rs. 20.10 lacs dt 18/19.06.2021
TRN : 861388 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 19.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for patchwork on black top roads of various ward of patiala ii area est cost rs. 20.10 lacs dt 18/19.06.2021
32 For Retail Liquor Licenses (Patiala Zone, Patiala Range, Distt. Patiala 1 and 2) Group Patiala Corporation 5
TRN : 861348 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 35.85 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for for retail liquor licenses (patiala zone, patiala range, distt. patiala 1 and 2) group patiala corporation 5
33 For Retail Liquor Licenses (Patiala Zone, Patiala Range, Distt. Patiala 1 and 2) Group Patiala Corporation 4
TRN : 861349 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 34.11 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for for retail liquor licenses (patiala zone, patiala range, distt. patiala 1 and 2) group patiala corporation 4
34 For Retail Liquor Licenses (Patiala Zone, Patiala Range, Distt. Patiala 2) Group Samana and Patran
TRN : 861339 |  Fatehgarh Sahib - Punjab
Contract Value : 35.50 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for for retail liquor licenses (patiala zone, patiala range, distt. patiala 2) group samana and patran
35 For Retail Liquor Licenses (Patiala Zone, Patiala Range , Distt. Fatehgarh sahib) (Group Mandi Gobindgarh-2)
TRN : 861347 |  Fatehgarh Sahib - Punjab
Contract Value : 39.08 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for for retail liquor licenses (patiala zone, patiala range , distt. fatehgarh sahib) (group mandi gobindgarh-2)
36 (Patiala Zone, Patiala Range , Distt. Fatehgarh sahib) (Group Mandi Gobindgarh-1)
TRN : 861350 |  Fatehgarh Sahib - Punjab
Contract Value : 40.58 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for (patiala zone, patiala range , distt. fatehgarh sahib) (group mandi gobindgarh-1)
37 For Retail Liquor Licences (Patiala Zone, Ludhiana East and West Range, Distt. Ludhiana)
TRN : 861344 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 34.18 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for for retail liquor licences (patiala zone, ludhiana east and west range, distt. ludhiana)
38 Retail Liquor Licences (Patiala Zone, Ludhiana East and West Range, Distt. Ludhiana)
TRN : 861337 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 34.49 Crore | Agency Name : Excise And Taxation Commissioner
Tender award for retail liquor licences (patiala zone, ludhiana east and west range, distt. ludhiana)
39 Providing and installing new tubewell size 200 mm ID straight at village khaspur block Patran and dist patiala
TRN : 859797 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for providing and installing new tubewell size 200 mm id straight at village khaspur block patran and dist patiala
40 provn of Pre paid meter in Orrs Messes Institue and Offrs Accn at Patiala Mil Stn under GE North Patiala
TRN : 858178 |  Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value : 29.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of pre paid meter in orrs messes institue and offrs accn at patiala mil stn under ge north patiala

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