You have searched for Tenders of pune in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Construction of Tanpure Pat to Chaudhar Pat Road at Umbraj No.2. Tal.Junnar. Dist.Pune
TRN : 860243 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of tanpure pat to chaudhar pat road at umbraj no.2. tal.junnar. dist.pune
92 C.R. to Non Residential Building at Inspection Bungalow No. 2 at Pune 1. (Daily Cleaning the water closet, Bath, Passage, Staircase, Rooms, Outside area, Suites and Other Misc. Work) (For the Period of One year)
93 C.R. to Non Residential Building at Inspection Bungalow No. 2 at Pune 1. (Daily Cleaning the Water Closet, Bath, Passages. Staircase, Rooms, Outside Area, Suites and Other Misc. Work) (for the Period of 12 Months)
94 Electrical Work for Health Science Building at Savitribai Phule Pune University,
TRN : 792344 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 18.61 Lacs | Agency Name : University Of Pune
Tender award for electrical work for health science building at savitribai phule pune university,
95 Appointment of agency for Designing Printing and Presentation of Draft DP Report of Pune Metropolitan Region
TRN : 792382 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Tender award for appointment of agency for designing printing and presentation of draft dp report of pune metropolitan region
96 Pune Mahanagarapalika Hadapsar-Mundhawa Kshetriy karyalayantargat Kai.Ramchandra banakar Shala,S.M.Joshi College,Mulinche Vasatigruh,Dada Guajr Shala,New English School Sasanengar yethil Covid Care Center Sathi Wiring V Itar Vidyut Vishayak kame karn
97 Improvement of Illumination of Terminal Building at Pune Airport
TRN : 804974 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 18.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for improvement of illumination of terminal building at pune airport
98 Maintenance and up keeping of day to day activities for Farakka Barrage model at CWPRS Pune 24
TRN : 788087 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Water And Power Research Station
Tender award for maintenance and up keeping of day to day activities for farakka barrage model at cwprs pune 24
99 Maintenance and up keeping of day to day activities for Brahmaputra river model at CWPRS Pune 24
TRN : 788088 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Water And Power Research Station
Tender award for maintenance and up keeping of day to day activities for brahmaputra river model at cwprs pune 24
100 Maintenance and up keeping of day to day activities of RSWG Wave Flume Model and CERC Building in CHS I division at CWPRS Pune 24
TRN : 788089 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Water And Power Research Station
Tender award for maintenance and up keeping of day to day activities of rswg wave flume model and cerc building in chs i division at cwprs pune 24

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