You have searched for Tenders of pune in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

211 Alandi :- Proposed Construction of Tremix treated concrete road from Shri. Vare Maharaj Nivas to 40 Feet D.P. road, Alandi for Alandi Municipal Council, Alandi Devachi, Khed, Pune.
212 Alandi :- Proposed Construction of Tremix treated concrete road from S.K. Lawns / Shri. Aaru Nivas to Shri. Jogalekar Nivas, Alandi for Alandi Municipal Council, Alandi Devachi, Khed, Pune.
213 Proposed Construction of Tremix treated concrete road from Shri. Prasade Nivas to 40 Feet D.P. road, Alandi for Alandi Municipal Council, Alandi Devachi, Khed, Pune.
214 Proposed Construction of Tremix treated concrete road from Shri. Nivrutti Kurhade to 40 Feet D.P. road, Alandi for Alandi Municipal Council, Alandi Devachi, Khed, Pune.
215 Proposed Construction of Tremix treated concrete road from Muktabai Math to 40 Feet D.P. road ( With Shri. Bhole Nivas to Muktabai Math ), Alandi for Alandi Municipal Council, Alandi Devachi, Khed, Pune.
216 Construction of Road From Rahul Nakhate to New Vastigruha To Shirke Housing Soc. In Keshavnagar, At Vadgaon,Tal Maval,Dist Pune
217 Construction of RCC pipe Drainage Line Along Main Road from Milind nagar Chowk to Maya Chavan House, At Vadgaon,Tal Maval,Dist Pune
218 Construction of Paver Block from Vilas Dandel to Dnyaneshwar Dandel House , At Vadgaon,Tal Maval,Dist Pune
TRN : 838843 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of paver block from vilas dandel to dnyaneshwar dandel house , at vadgaon,tal maval,dist pune
219 Construction of Paver Block from Vilas Dandel to Nandu Dandel House , At Vadgaon,Tal Maval,Dist Pune
TRN : 838844 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of paver block from vilas dandel to nandu dandel house , at vadgaon,tal maval,dist pune
220 Raising Main Distribution 150 mm GI Pipeline at Sudam Pagde Poltry to Keshavnagar Water Tank Vadgaon Nagarpanchayat ,Tal- Maval, Dist. Pune

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