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311 Construction of 20 nos. Semi Permanent Latrine with Sludge Tank at Chemaguri / Benuban Point in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela - 2020 under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E.Dte.
312 Repair and Replacement of M.S. Sheet, angle etc of M.S.F.F.T No. 01 to 13 at Ganga sagar Mela Ground in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela -2020 under Kakdwip Sub-division of Alipore Division PHE Dte
313 Repairing and Painting of G.I. Tank for temporary water supply arrangement of Zone. I & II in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela - 2020 under Kakdwip Sub-division of Alipore Division PHE Dte.
314 Construction of R.C.C. Watch Tower (9.0 Mtr Height) at Benuban Point under Kakdwip Sub-Division of Alipore Division P.H.E. Dte. In connection with Ganga Sagar Mela-2020
315 Construction of R.C.C. Watch Tower (9.0 Mtr Height) at K1 Bus stand of Sagar Mela Ground under Kakdwip Sub-Division of Alipore Division P.H.E. Dte. In connection with Ganga Sagar Mela-2020
316 Renovation of 2 (two) nos. Iron removal Plant near tank No. 1 & 2 and supplying Fabrication, Erection on suitable R.C.C. Foundation of 01 (one) no. I.E.P. near tank No. 3 at Sagar Mela ground in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela 2020 under Kakdwip Sub Division of Alipore Division, PHE Dte.
317 Construction of 20 nos. Semi Permanent Latrine with Sludge Tank at Chemaguri / Benuban Point in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela - 2020 under Raidighi Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E.Dte.
318 Construction of Boundary Wall around GLR No. 2 at Ganga Sagar Mela Ground in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela - 2020, Block - Sagar under Kakdwip Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. (2nd Call) [Length of Boundary Wall = 346 mtr.]
319 Construction of Boundary Wall around GLR No. 2 at Ganga Sagar Mela Ground in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela - 2020, Block - Sagar under Kakdwip Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte. (2nd Call) [Length of Boundary Wall = 346 mtr.]
320 Repairing of existing community vat (20 nos.) at different places of Gangasagar Mela in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela - 2020 under Kakdwip Sub-Division of Alipore Division, P.H.E. Dte.

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