42Construction of Paving block from House of Mahendrasing Singane To Sagar Rotwal, (B) Construction of Paving block from House of Vijay Deshmukh To Dalbirsing, in Prabhag No.(19B), at Achalpur.for Muncipal Council Achalpur
Achalpur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
3.80 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Council
43Providing water proofing treatment over roof of Control Room, Garage/workshop, Erector Hostel & Residential Quarters at Ganghi Sagar HPS Distt: Mandsaur (MP) (Rate should be quoted excluding GST)
Mandasaur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
11.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
44Epoxy grouting of Machine Hall along with the drainage gallary and draft tube side i/c epoxy painting work on treated surfaces and other places at Gandhi Sagar HPS. (Rate should be quoted excluding GST)
Jabalpur - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
20.64 Lacs |Agency Name :
Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
45Providing, Laying, Jointing, Testing, Commissioning and providing household service connections of 63 mm dia H.D.P.E. pipe line and construction of chamber, road restoration work at Sagar Vihar, Kings park, Gourishankar and Shyam Nagar N.X.-A. Zon
Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
18.01 Lacs |Agency Name :
Urban Administration And Development