194Construction of M G Govt Engineering college at Kotla Jeori Tehsil Rampur Bsr Distt Shimla SH Construction of Lecture Hall block Providing electrical installation therein
Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
44.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
200Annual surfacing on Tuti kandi Bifurcation to Sanjauli Dhalli Bye pass junction via Chotta Shimla and Sanuli Chowk road km 0/00 to 11/200 (SH Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 30mm thick in km 7/00 to 11/200)(Under AMP 2019-20)
Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.32 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department