You have searched for Tenders of shimla in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

231 Ordinary repair of Shimla Kangra road on NH 88 New NH 205 from Kms 0.0 to 58.600 SH Periodical renewal in Kms 0.590 to 0.900 and 4.0 to 6.0
232 Ordinary repair to NH-22 (New NH No.5) on Kalka-Shimla Wangtoo road from km 67/150 to 165/0 (SH:- Repair of pot holes on badly damaged road crust between km 117/0 to 145/100 ) ( Against OFC Deposit)
233 Restoration of rain damages on Kalka-Shimla Wangtoo road on NH-22 (New NH No. 5) from kms 67/150 to 165/0 (SH:- Construction Of Retaining Wall at RD 140/800 to 140/815 for the year 2015-16)
234 Ordinary repair to NH-22 (New NH No.5) on Kalka-Shimla Wangtoo road from km 67/150 to 165/0 (SH:- Repair of pot holes on badly damaged road crust between km 117/0 to 145/100 ) ( Against OFC Deposit)
235 Restoration of rain damages on Kalka-Shimla Wangtoo road on NH-22 (New NH No. 5) from kms 67/150 to 165/0 (SH:- C/O Retaining Wall at RD 140/800 to 140/815 for the year 2015-16)
236 Ordinary repair on NH 22 ( New NH 5) Kalka Shimla Wangtoo road from KM 67/150 to 165/0 (SH: C/O V shape and U-Shape drain in KM 18/500 to 24/250 on Shimla Bye Pass).
237 Construction of Car Parking cum Commercial Complex at Dhalli, Shimla adjoining Community Centre Building in ward No.18 Under AMRUT
238 S/R to Ellerslie Qtr. at Chotta Shimla-2(SH- Dismantling Work, P/F Paneled glazed shutter, cup boards, tiles works, marble work, panting and sanitary work etc. in block No. 8 set No. 1, 2, 5, 6 G/F and 10 to 14 F/F at Ellerslie Qtr. Chotta Shimla.)
239 S/R to Block No. 10, Set No 1 to 17 Ellerslie Qtr. at Chotta Shimla. (SH-P/F tiles Work, Panelled glazed Shutter cup board, Plastering work, Painting, distempering and sanitary work etc.)
240 S/R to block No. 16 Set No. 1 to 8 block No. 17 Set No. 7, 8 and 10 at Housing Board Colony Sanjauli Shimla. (SH- P/F tiles work, gutter, painting, distempering and sanitary work etc.)

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