You have searched for Tenders of solapur in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

51 Providing LED High Mast Light in Salgar Vasti At Hotgi Station and Patne Vasti,Tal S.Solapur,Dist Solapur
TRN : 852328 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing led high mast light in salgar vasti at hotgi station and patne vasti,tal s.solapur,dist solapur
52 Providing LED High Mast Light in In Frount Off Veerbhadreshwar Mandir and In Frount Off Malik Saheb Darga At Aadewadi(Kh) Tal Akkalkot,Dist Solapur
53 To Construction of Compound wall for Degoan basveshwar nagar Degoan Gavthan Esr at surrounding area, Solapur.
TRN : 852396 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 67.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Solapur Municipal Corporation
Tender award for to construction of compound wall for degoan basveshwar nagar degoan gavthan esr at surrounding area, solapur.
54 Constructing R O Plant At- Bhogewadi Tal-Madha Dist-Solapur
TRN : 853519 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for constructing r o plant at- bhogewadi tal-madha dist-solapur
55 Providing Cement Concrete Road At Bhogewadi Dalit Wasti No. 01 Tal - Madha Dist - Solapur
TRN : 853521 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing cement concrete road at bhogewadi dalit wasti no. 01 tal - madha dist - solapur
56 Providing LED High Mast Light in Salgar Vasti At Hotgi Station and Patne Vasti,Tal S.Solapur,Dist Solapur
TRN : 853681 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing led high mast light in salgar vasti at hotgi station and patne vasti,tal s.solapur,dist solapur
57 Providing LED High Mast Light in In Frount Off Veerbhadreshwar Mandir and In Frount Off Malik Saheb Darga At Aadewadi(Kh) Tal Akkalkot,Dist Solapur
58 To Construction of Compound wall for Degoan basveshwar nagar Degoan Gavthan Esr at surrounding area, Solapur.
TRN : 853750 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 67.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for to construction of compound wall for degoan basveshwar nagar degoan gavthan esr at surrounding area, solapur.
59 Construction of cement nala band at Agalgaon4 Tal Barshi Dist Solapur
TRN : 850630 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of cement nala band at agalgaon4 tal barshi dist solapur
60 Construction of cement nala band at Agalgaon3 Tal Barshi Dist Solapur
TRN : 850631 |  Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of cement nala band at agalgaon3 tal barshi dist solapur

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