2632Special Repairs to Government Highways Roads in Kothagiri (H), C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction – Package No. 81
A) Special Repairs to Km 24/4-24/6, 26/6-26/8 and 28/4-29/0 of Ooty Kotagiri Mettupalayam Sathi Gobi Erode road
B) Special Repairs to Km 2/0-2/6 of Kengarai Road
Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
56.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Highway Department
2635Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Alangudy (H) C&M Sub division
Road A, Special Repairs of Trichy - Pudukkottai - Aranthangi - Mimisal Road at Km 63/4 - 65/0
Road B, Special Repairs of Trichy - Pudukkottai - Aranthangi - Mimisal Road at Km 66/0-67/0
Road C, Special Repairs of Vallathirakottai - Vandakottai (via) Kinginipatti, Thiravidayapatti Road Km 1/0 - 2/0 and link road Km 0/0 - 0/6
Trichy - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
95.68 Lacs |Agency Name :
Highway Department
2636Upgradation of three Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Virudhunagar (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 15)
Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.84 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
2637Construction of Retaining wall, Drain, Protective wall, Widening of slab culvert, Widening of pipe culvert to Government Highways roads in Kothagiri (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction – Package No. 65
A) Construction of Retaining wall at km 34/10 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road (SH 15)
B) Construction of Retaining wall at km 36/8 & 36/10 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road (SH 15)
C) Construction of Retaining wall at km 37/4 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road (SH 15)
D) Providing of Drain at km 42/0 - 43/0 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam -
Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road (SH 15)
E) Widening of RCC slab culvert at km 30/2 & 30/4 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road Including Protective wall (SH 15)
F) Widening of RCC slab culvert at km 33/10 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road and Protective Wall at Km 33/10, 34/2 (SH 15)
G) Widening of RCC slab culvert at km 35/10 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road Including Protective Wall (SH 15)
H) Widening of RCC slab culvert at km 40/2 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road ,Protective Wall at Km 40/2,Widening 1 row Pipe Culvert at Km 40/4 and Providing CC Drain at Km 40/0 - 41/0 (SH 15)
I) Widening of Pipe Culvert at km 41/4 of Ooty - Kotagiri Mettupalayam - Sathi - Gobi - Erode Road ,Protective Wall at Km 41/4 and CC Drain at Km 41/0 - 42/0 (SH 15)"
Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.34 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
2639Strengthening, Improvements and Improvements to Riding Quality, Construction of Culvert, Reconstruction of culvert including up keeping for a period of 60 months in Govt. Roads in respect of Thirumayam (H), C&M Subdivision.
Road A, 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0284, Strengthening of Namanasamudram-Ponnmarvathy road at km 18/0-18/6 & 23/6-24/2 (SH 201) including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road B, 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0287, Strengthening of Thanjavur- Manamadurai Road (Abandoned NH 226) in Thirumayam urban limit at km 72/100-74/900 Including Construction of Culverts at Km 72/6 (SH) including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road C, 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4332, Improvements to Riding Quality at km 20/2 - 20/4, 21/8 - 22/0 and 24/2 - 27/0 of Namanasamudram - Ponnamaravathy road (SH201) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road D, 01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1222, Improvements of Karaiyur - Melathaniyum road at km 6/0 - 7/100 (MD1198) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road E, 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2347, Improvements of km 153/2 of Perambalur - Manamadurai road to Rangiyum road at km 3/0 - 6/0 including Reconstruction of culvert at km 5/2 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road F, 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2350, Improvements of Km 32/2 of Karaiyur - Oliyamangalam road to Km 32/8 of karaiyur - Melathaniyum road via Mullipatti, Udayampatti, Sadayampatti road at km 2/8 - 4/0 including Reconstruction of culvert at km 2/10 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road G, 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4364, Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 1/4 of Km 26/4 of Namanasamudram - Ponnamaravathy road to Sevalur road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road H, 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4363, Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 1/2 of Km 29/8 of Karaiyur - Oliyamangalam road to Edayathur road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Trichy - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.87 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
2640Upgradation of Four Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Virudhunagar (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 1)
Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.99 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department