You have searched for -tamil-nadu in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
3561TTPS Mech II BM Unit I Providing scaffolding arrangement in A B C D path of ESP inlet funnel removing the insulation replacement of the wornout top portion of the ESP inlet funnel assembly
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
4.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
3563Providing scaffolding arrangement in A B C D path of ESP outlet funnel removing the insulation replacement of the wornout top portion of the ESP outlet funnel assembly
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
3564Removal and Refixing of wool mattress or Cera blanket insulation of Turbine Casing and their allied pipe lines valves in Unit I during overhaul for the year 2019 20
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
3.22 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
3565Providing scaffolding arrangement in A B C D path of ESP outlet funnel removing the insulation replacement of the wornout top portion of the ESP outlet funnel assembly
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited