7752Routine cleaning of fly ash and coal dust from the cable trays and cable ducts in and around boiler area and mill area etc routine cleaning and minor maintenance works of boiler side fan motors mill motors luboil motors.UnitII.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
2.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
7754SE/ES/TTPS/171/2018-19 Cleaning maintenance and testing assistance activities for control and protection panels and MRT II lab pertaining to Generator auxiliaries Switch yard II SD I of MRT II period from 08.10.18 to 31.03.19.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
1.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
7756Routine cleaning of fly ash and coal dust from the cable trays and cable ducts in and around boiler area and mill area etc routine cleaning and minor maintenance works of boiler side fan motors mill motors luboil motor..UnitI.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
2.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
7758SE/ES/TTPS/170/18-19 - TTPS-ES Circle-MRT-2-Blowing cycle operation of Soot blowers and maintenance of Junction Boxes, field equipments of FSSS and Boiler auxiliary systems in Unit IV and V period from 08.10.18 to 31.03.19.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
2.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
7759SE/ES/TTPS/188/18-19 - Maintenance of control panels, Transmitters, Actuators and Junction Boxes in Plant and Plant auxiliaries area pertaining to Unit III for a period from 08.10.18 to 31.03.19.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
3.05 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
7760Routine cleaning operating minor maintenance and attending emergency breakdown works of Freight cum Passenger Lift No. I and II at Unit I II and III boiler area for a period from 08.10.18 to 31.03.19.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
2.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited