3254Construction of road of Tea Garden area at Mornoi TE (Providing by ICBP from Ch.0.00m to Ch.1450.00m and construction of 1000 mm dia NP-3 single opening) under SOPD (ODS) for the year 2018-19
Kokarajhar - Assam
Contract Value :
99.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
3257Construction of ICBP road including CD works from 7 No. Labour line to Kamalchara at TE (Bijni Dooars Tea Company Ltd.) (Ch.0.00m to Ch.1380.00m) under SOPD (ODS) for the year 2018-19
Kokarajhar - Assam
Contract Value :
99.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department