You have searched for bihar in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

971 Job work Spl repair of retrofitting/remodeling imminent structurally endangered bridge at Birpur
TRN : 559717 |  Birpur - Bihar
Contract Value : 2.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for job work spl repair of retrofitting/remodeling imminent structurally endangered bridge at birpur
972 Providing maintenance services for Top End Overhaul of Mainline Engine, MP-2 (Caterpillar Engine model 3508) installed at BKPL Patna Pump Station
973 Conducting baseline survey in 18 villages for identification of CSR intervention under BKPL in the state of Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh
974 Procurement of Executive Conference Bags for AIS 2019
TRN : 557483 |  Patna - Bihar
Contract Value : 15.04 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for procurement of executive conference bags for ais 2019
975 Erection of Pandal, Exhibition Stall and hiring of other items for Krishi Kalyan Mela during 10-12 February 2019 at Gandhi Maidan, East Champaran.
976 Printing and Installation of Backdrop, Hoarding and Flex Banner for Krishi Kalyan Mela during 10-12 February 2019 at Gandhi Maidan, East Champaran.
977 Catering Services for Krishi Kalyan Mela during 10-12 February 2019 at Gandhi Maidan, East Champaran, Bihar.
TRN : 557486 |  Patna - Bihar
Contract Value : 16.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Council Of Agricultural Research
Tender award for catering services for krishi kalyan mela during 10-12 february 2019 at gandhi maidan, east champaran, bihar.
978 Laying and termination of 3Cx240 sqmm, XLPE HT cable from Barauni Oil Refinery to BKPL Barauni Pump Station
TRN : 557554 |  Barauni - Bihar
Contract Value : 5.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for laying and termination of 3cx240 sqmm, xlpe ht cable from barauni oil refinery to bkpl barauni pump station
979 Conducting soil resistivity testing and supply and installation of MMO coated LIDA tubular anode beds at CP locations of Barauni-Kanpur Pipeline under jurisdiction of UP Base (Group B)
980 Conducting soil resistivity testing and supply and installation of MMO coated LIDA tubular anode beds at CP locations of Barauni-Kanpur Pipeline under jurisdiction of Bihar Base (Group A)

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