You have searched for chandigarh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

681 Providing and Fixing Huts, Benches and playing equipments in Parks for 4960 Small Flats at Maloya-I Chandigarh
TRN : 505219 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 16.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Chandigarh Housing Board
Tender award for providing and fixing huts, benches and playing equipments in parks for 4960 small flats at maloya-i chandigarh
682 Providing and fixing of Vitrified Tile Flooring, False Ceiling and Blinds in various rooms in Block-A, of Office building Chandigarh Housing Board Chandigarh
683 Supply of Elevated Guard Posts
TRN : 505756 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 15.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of elevated guard posts
684 MINTENANCE and repair of Electrical related works in Govt. Veterinary Institution, Animal Husbandry and Residence Sector 38, Chandigarh.
TRN : 502993 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 3.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Chandigarh Administration Engineering Department
Tender award for mintenance and repair of electrical related works in govt. veterinary institution, animal husbandry and residence sector 38, chandigarh.
685 Annual MAINTENANCE of EI and switchgear in GMCH Sec-32, Chandigarh. (Replacement of burnt out, defective electrical accessories and installation in Hostel block, Dr. residence and sub station under Electrical Sub Division No.9, Chandigarh).
686 Spare Part
TRN : 539114 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 81.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research
Tender award for spare part
TRN : 715570 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 4.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Archaeological Survey Of India
Tender award for supply of man-power

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