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2061 Procurement of Kirloskar make Pump spares, Model RKB 125/27K.
TRN : 655925 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 17.49 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of kirloskar make pump spares, model rkb 125/27k.
2062 Procurement of Kirloskar RKB 150/34K Pump Spares.
TRN : 655927 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 19.98 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of kirloskar rkb 150/34k pump spares.
2063 Procurement of Plug and socket for field switches of electrical Drills.
TRN : 655770 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 5.31 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of plug and socket for field switches of electrical drills.
2064 Cleaning of Spilled coal muck accumulated in day to day working at different conveyor belts, loading points, discharge point etc. And to dispose the same to a place as directed by CHP incharge within a lead of 50 m- complete(144.00 sqm/day for365day
2065 Construction of 33 nos ventilation stoppings by use of fly ash bricks in C.M. panel 4D development district of 4A seam at Haldibari UG Mine.
TRN : 655775 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 14.43 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for spares for volga/prabhu make flp dol/s.d. starter, type fs-3 and gbf-2.
2067 Filling of Pot holes by concrete on coal transportation road from WCC towards korea Colliery In Chirimiri area.
TRN : 654800 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 2.20 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for filling of pot holes by concrete on coal transportation road from wcc towards korea colliery in chirimiri area.
2068 Renovation male and female toilets of medical ward and surgical ward with some related works in Regional Hospital Kurasia of Chirimiri area
2069 Replacement of 1 No borehole for domestic water supply at Dharam Colony of Chhal Sub Area
TRN : 653702 |  Raigarh - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 4.75 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for replacement of 1 no borehole for domestic water supply at dharam colony of chhal sub area
2070 Strengthening of damaged patch of Jungle road (Coal transportation road) near junction of approach road to hazardous waste disposal site at Gevra Project of Gevra Area

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