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TRN : 760536 |  Surajpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 16.53 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of spares for btl (oem) make 90kw and 55kw belt conveyor as per nit specification
272 Day to day checking of sick wagons in rakes and cleaning of garbage from wagons placed for loading in Silo 3 and 4 with other miscellaneous works at Gevra Project of Gevra Area
273 Assistance in operation and operational maintenance of dust suppression system and fire-fighting pumps of New CHP for a period of 180 days at Dipka Expansion Project.
274 Dismantling of drive head ,belt structure ,tailend and belt conveyor of 6L.E-20 X to 41X and transportation to-1L.E panel in seam II of Katkona 1 and 2 Incline
275 Repairing of existing weigh bridge cabin of weigh bridge No.2,3 at GarePelma IV/2 and 3 O.C.M.
TRN : 852955 |  Raigarh - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 3.56 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of existing weigh bridge cabin of weigh bridge no.2,3 at garepelma iv/2 and 3 o.c.m.
276 Supply of spares for Kirloskar Make Stainless Steel MLA pump Model 100/125 and DSM 100/36(SS)
TRN : 853011 |  Baikunthpur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 40.20 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of spares for kirloskar make stainless steel mla pump model 100/125 and dsm 100/36(ss)
277 Erection of one new 6.6 KV overhead line feeder from new Renki 33/6.6 KV sub-station and major extension work of unused portion of feeder 7 on Old Radar dump, for supplying power to HEMMs at Malgaon area at Dipka Expansion Project.
278 Shifting of existing Pump 3000 GPM coupled with HT Motor-2 Set with pipe line and accessories, starters etc. from existing sump to New sumps and installation of pump sets, laying of pipe line with making 8 inch bends, 8 inch Nipple etc form new Pump
279 Repairing and replacement of 1600mm bottom rollers in the conveyor system of New CHP at Dipka Expansion Project.
TRN : 849414 |  Korba - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 4.27 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing and replacement of 1600mm bottom rollers in the conveyor system of new chp at dipka expansion project.
280 Providing cement concrete surface at back to back space of Quarter No. B/ 189 to B/ 354 and DMQ 01 to 129 of Adarsh Nagar Colony of Kusmunda Area.

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