You have searched for chhattisgarh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

4371 RH HandT FSD Naila to RH Naila
TRN : 510313 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 2.15 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for rh handt fsd naila to rh naila
4372 Godown Handling SWC Mahasamund
TRN : 510314 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 1.70 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for godown handling swc mahasamund
4373 RH HandT SWC Mahasamund to RH Belsonda
TRN : 510315 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 5.90 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for rh handt swc mahasamund to rh belsonda
4374 Godown Handling SWC Balod
TRN : 510316 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 2.00 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for godown handling swc balod
4375 RH HandT SWC Balod
TRN : 510317 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 8.00 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for rh handt swc balod
4376 Godown Handling SWC Durg
TRN : 510318 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 2.00 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for godown handling swc durg
4377 RH handT SWC Dhamtari (Dhamtari and PEG Boyna) to RH Balod
TRN : 510319 |  Dhamtari - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 5.32 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for rh handt swc dhamtari (dhamtari and peg boyna) to rh balod
4378 RH HandT FSD Dhamtari (Dhamtari and Arjuni) to RH Balod
TRN : 510320 |  Dhamtari - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 10.20 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for rh handt fsd dhamtari (dhamtari and arjuni) to rh balod
4379 RHHandT SWC Durg
TRN : 510321 |  Raipur - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 4.50 Crore | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for rhhandt swc durg
4380 Procurement of spares for ABC make FLP Gate End Box
TRN : 509746 |  Korba - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 16.24 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of spares for abc make flp gate end box

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