You have searched for delhi in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
1301Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning .... of Escalators including Maintenance of 02 Years During Defect Liability Period for IICC Dwarka Metro Station and different Metro Stations of Phase-I, II and III
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
38.86 Crore |Agency Name :
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
1303Repair and Maintenance of electrical breakdown including fault detection localization and rectification in underground 11 KV LT cable network, OH conductor and replacement to 11 KV HT cable at Uri enclave Cariappa Vihar Todapur 105 TA EME Worksho
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
21.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1305Repair and Maintenance of electrical breakdown including fault detection localization and rectification in underground 11 KV LT cable network OH conductor and replacement to 11 KV HT cable at Kabul line Baird place CVD Piru Vihar DIPAC HQ TG Kotwal
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
23.24 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1307Repair and Maintenance of electrical breakdown including fault detection localization and rectification in 33 KV underground cable and overhead lines fault at yard of Kirby Grid Shekhawati grid area of AGE U Elect Supply No I under GE U Elect Supp
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
23.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1309Repair and Maintenance of electrical breakdown including fault detection localization and rectification in underground 11 KV LT cable network OH conductor and replacement to 11 KV HT cable at 4 No P F Station road Maude road Church road Cassel r
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
21.22 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services