1342Replacement of existing unserviceable drinking water pump set by enhanced capacity high energy efficiency pump sets at main pump house at L.N. Hospital New Delhi.
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
15.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
1345Construction of Balance Civil Works of Pancha Trench Weir, its Feeder Tunnel and Associated Works under the Scope of Lot PB-2B package (Lot PB2D-2) of Parbati HE Project (Stage-II)(Package No. C-547A)
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
8.42 Crore |Agency Name :
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
1349Construction of Balance Road Work of Road at Sheelagarh area under the Scope of Lot PB-2B package (Lot PB2D-5) of Parbati HE Project (Stage-II) (Package No. C-550)
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
4.49 Crore |Agency Name :
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited