You have searched for delhi in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

5901 Procurement of medical stores (SCS 1000 Calibrator) (PAC Item)
TRN : 588865 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 20.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for procurement of medical stores (scs 1000 calibrator) (pac item)
5902 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Computers Peripherals and LAN
TRN : 552793 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 2.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Council Of Agricultural Research
Tender award for comprehensive annual maintenance of computers peripherals and lan
5903 Procurement of medical stores (Eight Check 3 WP LNH) (PAC Item) For AFTC
TRN : 588866 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 7.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for procurement of medical stores (eight check 3 wp lnh) (pac item) for aftc
5904 Conversion of B site KSK into A site KSK
TRN : 552992 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 53.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for conversion of b site ksk into a site ksk
5905 Development of new A site RO.
TRN : 552993 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 51.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for development of new a site ro.
5906 Supply of Heat Exchangers
TRN : 552997 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 38.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of heat exchangers
5907 Special repairs and Structural upgradation of Infrastructure of Main ICU at AHRR, under GE E/M RR Hosp, Delhi Cantt-10
TRN : 552634 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 18.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repairs and structural upgradation of infrastructure of main icu at ahrr, under ge e/m rr hosp, delhi cantt-10
TRN : 552742 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 5.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for drugs and consumables
5909 Oil bound, distempering, painting and repairing, external finishing work in 16 Staff Qtrs., Okhla, Jamia Millia Islamia
5910 Supply of Flame Arrestor of 2 Inch Size for VRS Stage-1B at 77 Retail Outlets under Delhi Divisional Office.
TRN : 552121 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 10.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of flame arrestor of 2 inch size for vrs stage-1b at 77 retail outlets under delhi divisional office.

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