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TRN : 537419 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 43.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for dual planetary vacuum assisted mixer (1 l mixing capacity material)
6372 Design Verification, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of E and M, Fire Detection and Fire Suppression Systems including DG Sets for Elevated Corridors of Mumbai Metro Rail Project
6373 Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance contract of computing equipment (Computers, Printers, Scanners etc. and Networking along with Resources
6374 Name of work 1 to 3 Maintenance of electrical installation ,RMO Pump Sets , passenger lift installed at Collage of Art, Tilak Marg, New Delhi.
6375 R.M.O. Specialized Electrical , Mechanical Services of collage of Art, 20-22 Tilak Marg, Delhi
TRN : 537439 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 5.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for r.m.o. specialized electrical , mechanical services of collage of art, 20-22 tilak marg, delhi
6376 MOEI , Fans installed at A, B,C, D, E, F,G, H, K, L, M , N Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P.Estate, New Delhi
TRN : 537440 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 11.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for moei , fans installed at a, b,c, d, e, f,g, h, k, l, m , n block, vikas bhawan,, new delhi
6377 MOEI , Fans , drinking water supply Pump Set installed at DCP office, GO Mess- Kotwali, Police station- Daryaganj, Delhi.
6378 Supplying , installation of electric pole, street light fittings, high mast pole with light fittings at Gokhale Road from ISBT Kashmere Gate Metro Station to G.T. Road, New Delhi.
6379 Name of work 1 and 2 MOEI , Fans , compound/security lights and RMO UPS system, PT AC Plant, AC equipments , Fire Alarm system, LT Panel equipment installed in Honble L.G.s Secretariat at Raj Niwas, Delhi
6380 Name of work 1 to 5 MOEI , Fans installed in PCR, C4i, Cyber highway, telephone exchange at PHQ, MSO building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi

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