You have searched for delhi in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 616955 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 23.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of store shelter
6852 Supply of Table top data display chart
TRN : 524029 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 11.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for supply of table top data display chart
TRN : 524030 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 62.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of augmentation of perimeter security
6854 Sensors and Controllers for Bio-Electronics control system
TRN : 524031 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 2.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for sensors and controllers for bio-electronics control system
6855 Supply of Tatra 8x8 Eng spares
TRN : 524032 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 11.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of tatra 8x8 eng spares
6856 Comprehensive maintenance and operation of Electro mechanical services in TE bldg. Banswara and Comprehensive maintenance of Electro mechanical services in RSU-I, II Banswara and T.E. Bldg., Partapur.
6857 Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Auto Kinematic Viscometer
TRN : 524083 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 57.6 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply, installation, commissioning and training of auto kinematic viscometer
6858 Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training and Site Acceptance Test of Fully Automatic Micro-Reactor for Enzymatic CO2 Capture
6859 Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Training of UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
TRN : 524087 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 43.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply, installation, commissioning and training of uv-vis-nir spectrophotometer
6860 Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Microwave Muffle Furnace
TRN : 524089 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 13.6 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply, installation, commissioning and training of microwave muffle furnace

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