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7041 Providing Vegetable/Fruit/Potato/Onion/Garlic/Bread as required by respective Station Commander 's at 11 Comp Pl, ASC, Tezu/ Del Point at Chowkham/ 12 Comp Pl, ASC, Walong/ Del Point at Kibithu/ 9 Comp Pl, ASC, Hayuliang/ Del Point at Anini for a duration of 7 (Seven) days within the period from 26 August 2017 to 01 September 2017 (Delivery of 03 days and 04 days quantities on 02 occasions) as per defence food specification. Cheapest option will be accepted.
7042 Providing Vegetable/Fruit/Potato/Onion/Garlic/Bread as required by respective Station Commander 's at 11 Comp Pl, ASC, Tezu/ Del Point at Chowkham/ 12 Comp Pl, ASC, Walong/ Del Point at Kibithu/ 9 Comp Pl, ASC, Hayuliang/ Del Point at Anini for a maximum duration of 15 (Fifteen) days within a period from 17 Jul 2017 to 05 Aug 2017 at a quantum of 3 (Three) days requirment each on five occasions as per defence food specification. Cheapest option will be accepted. "
7043 Procurement of 400 MHz Communication System with Accessories
TRN : 518085 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 1.77 Crore | Agency Name : Special Protection Group
Tender award for procurement of 400 mhz communication system with accessories
7044 Providing and Installation of 40 KVA DG Set and Servo Voltage Stabilizer at Employment Office, Sector-4, R.K. Puram, New Delhi.
7045 Development of Open Land as Public Park at Sheikh Sarai-2 Press Enclave Road New Delhi during 2018-19 (SH- Providing E andM Services)
7046 MOEI, Pump, Lifts of Subway, Under Deck and FOB on Delhi PWD Roads under PWD Electrical Division South during 2018-19 (SH- Routine Maintenance E and M Services at FOB, Subways and under deck of flyovers and LED Road light)
7047 Providing and fixing public address system for new building and M.P hall at Govt Girls Sr.Sec.School No-1 Dr.Ambedkar Nagar Sector -4 New Delhi (School ID.1923044,Building ID-19231566.EOR,ID -20171640)
7048 Provn of 06 x Medicine bricks for med Camp of Units of 2 Sect RR
TRN : 520124 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 6.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for provn of 06 x medicine bricks for med camp of units of 2 sect rr
TRN : 518028 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 21.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for ordnance stores
7050 Provn of 03 X Medical, Bricks for Med camps of units of 3 Sect RR
TRN : 520125 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 3.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for provn of 03 x medical, bricks for med camps of units of 3 sect rr

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