You have searched for gujarat in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1871 supply of LAS CS REACTOR
TRN : 630989 |  Vadodara - Gujarat
Contract Value : 3.57 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of las cs reactor
1872 supply of LAS CS REACTOR
TRN : 630991 |  Vadodara - Gujarat
Contract Value : 3.57 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of las cs reactor
1873 Concertina coil fencing over top of campus boundary wall including repair of boundary wall in explosive magazine under Piaprwar Project Piparwar Area.
1874 Water supply through deep boring with storage tank to saraswati Sishu Mandir BOCM of churi east panchayat under CSR scheme 18-19 under Gm Unit Piparwar Area.
1875 Providing One (01) no. of 2WD Scorpio S3 and Above or other equivalent model of not earlier than February 2019 for Shift Operation activities at WRPL, Salawas Jurisdiction
1876 Supply of Smart ID Card
TRN : 630880 |  Vadodara - Gujarat
Contract Value : 88.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of smart id card
1877 Providing of trucks closed body containers for transportation of household goods to the transferee superannuated employees of Gujarat Refinery.
1878 Civil Electrical and related area development works for shifting of First Aid Center and construction of new Structural steel shed for storage of Foam chemical cans and Fire tender Truck tyres at Main Fire Station under J-18 Enabling job at Gujarat
1879 Close Proximity Radiography using Selenium 75 gamma radiography sources for maintenance jobs during shutdown of Refinery Process Units at Gujarat Refinery.
1880 In situ cleaning of Vapour and transfer line using high pressure hydro-jetting along with specialized coke cutting nozzle devices in DCU unit of Gujarat Refinery.

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