2603Bhiwani - providing storm water drainage system including road gullies, intercepting manholes, ""Providing and laying of 600 mm RCC NP3 Pipe Near H/o Pawan Anachal to MC Colony Park and 400 mm RCC NP2 at Near Aggarwal Confectionery towards MC Colony Park for draining out surface water from the area rainy season Bhiwani Town and all other works contingent thereto"".
App. Amount Rs. 13.24 Lacs "
Bhiwani - Haryana
Contract Value :
15.35 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
2605Hansi Town :- Augmentation Sewerage Scheme Hansi Town Replacement of old damaged RCC pipe from Tosham chungi to Disposal and all other works contingent thereto
Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value :
2.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department