2685Providing and Laying 80mm thick Coloured vibrated interlocking paver block and Nala with RCC Drain from H/o Kashyab Flax to of Kiryana store, Vig colony, Ward no. 16, Gharaunda.
Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value :
14.43 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
2689Hiring & Operation of 4 no. diesel driven 7/9 seater AC modal not older than 2017 having commercial permit on monthly charges basis for 24 hrs. round the clock for emergency duty and Hiring & Operation charges for 1 no. Light Motor Vehicle (Diesel driven, 9-Seater or above capacity, AC model not older than 2017 having commercial permit on monthly chargeable basis for shift duty at 2x600 MW RGTPP, Khedar Hisar for a period of 3 years (along with drivers).
Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value :
1.08 Crore |Agency Name :
Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited