2804Annual Maintenance contract Sewerage Scheme Gohana Town Distt. Sonipat- “ Replacement of SFRC Manhole cover with frame at various places in Gohana Town and all other works contingent thereto. .Rs. 1.93 Lacs
Gohana - Haryana
Contract Value :
1.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
2807Annual maintenance of Sewerage scheme in Sector-PLA, Hisar. Operation & maintenance of sewer line of various sizes, disposal of sludge/ foreign material outside of sector area and all other works contingent thereto (From 02.05.2020 to 31.08.2020). E/M Rs.1000/-
Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value :
50.0 Thousand |Agency Name :
Haryana Urban Development Authority
2809Annual maintenance of sewerage scheme in Sector-15A, Hisar. Operation & maintenance of sewer line of various sizes, disposal of sludge/ foreign material outside of sector area and all other works contingent thereto”. (From 02.06.2020 to 31.08.2020) E/M Rs.1820/-
Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value :
91.0 Thousand |Agency Name :
Haryana Urban Development Authority