You have searched for haryana in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

321 Renovation of C and D Type Residential Quarters in Horticulture Department in Karnal (Providing EI only).
TRN : 861150 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 13.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for renovation of c and d type residential quarters in horticulture department in karnal (providing ei only).
322 Special repair of Electric Motor and 6 X 6 Centrifugal pumps in Mech WS Sub Divn Sonipat before start of monsoon 2022-23
323 Rejuvenation of Pond near SC community in Village Bandhwadi in MCG Area.
TRN : 861132 |  Gurgaon - Haryana
Contract Value : 24.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for rejuvenation of pond near sc community in village bandhwadi in mcg area.
324 Ambala Sadar Town, Replacement of existing outlived W/s pipe lines/ providing W/s lines newly being Developing areas.
TRN : 861133 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 23.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for ambala sadar town, replacement of existing outlived w/s pipe lines/ providing w/s lines newly being developing areas.
325 Operation and Maintenance for landscaping and plantation in between common bank of Sidhmukh Nohar Feeder and Fatehabad Branch from RD 0 to 6710 for year 2022-23
326 GWM under SPRM at village Bhakli I Block Nahar, Distt. Rewari
TRN : 861135 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 20.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for gwm under sprm at village bhakli i block nahar, distt. rewari
327 GWM under SPRM at village Jhal, Block Nahar, Distt. Rewari
TRN : 861136 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 15.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for gwm under sprm at village jhal, block nahar, distt. rewari
328 Pavement of Rasta and toe wall at village Bagthala, Block Dharuhera Distt. Rewari
TRN : 861137 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 6.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for pavement of rasta and toe wall at village bagthala, block dharuhera distt. rewari
329 Const. of GWM at village Chawwa Block Nahar, Distt Rewari
TRN : 861138 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 43.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for const. of gwm at village chawwa block nahar, distt rewari
330 Installation of tubewell in lieu of abandoned tubewell at Ajit Nagar and FCI Godown Extended MC Limit of Ambala Sadar Town Distt Ambala
TRN : 861217 |  Ambala - Haryana
Contract Value : 40.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for installation of tubewell in lieu of abandoned tubewell at ajit nagar and fci godown extended mc limit of ambala sadar town distt ambala

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