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91 Replacement of M.H flood light with L.E.D flood light fittings in Grain and Vegetable Mandi Cover Shed at Grain M.C Shahkot M.C Shahkot District Jalandhar.
92 Providing Laying Interlocking Tiles on Various Roads New Construction Programme 2021-22 (From Compaction of earth work up to road Structure including premix carpet,culvert, Drains and retainingwal )assembely Constituency Bhoa Distt Mc PathankotGN5
93 Replacement of old 5 KVA Gen Set with 15 KAV Silent Gen Set (with canopy) in M.C office Building Jalandhar city Distt. Jalandhar.
TRN : 856494 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for replacement of old 5 kva gen set with 15 kav silent gen set (with canopy) in m.c office building jalandhar city distt. jalandhar.
94 Tender For Laying CC Flooring on DB Flooring Platforms at Focal Point RoadMazara MC garhshankar Distt Hoshiarpur
TRN : 856499 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 18.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for tender for laying cc flooring on db flooring platforms at focal point roadmazara mc garhshankar distt hoshiarpur
95 E.I. in STEEL TUBULAR COVER SHED (SIZE 122x52) with LED Fittings at Sabzi Mandi Mamdot and Repair of Street Light with LED Fittings at Sabzi Mandi Mamdot Distt. Ferozepur.
96 Providing of Steel Tubular Cover Shed Size (200x75) and Erected on LED Fittings in 4 Nos. Poles on Yard in NGM Naushehra Pannuan and Pro. Tower Lighting System in Sub Yard or Purchase Centre at Munda Pind M.C Naushehra Pannuan Distt. Tarntaran.
97 Providing of 20 Mtr. High Mast on Yard wih L.E.D Fittings in N.G.M Mallanwala Distt. Ferozepur.
TRN : 856503 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 25.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for providing of 20 mtr. high mast on yard wih l.e.d fittings in n.g.m mallanwala distt. ferozepur.
98 Providing LED Light and Replacement of E.I in Vegetable Grain Market Cover Shed Hoshiarpur Distt Hoshiarpur.
TRN : 856504 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 21.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for providing led light and replacement of e.i in vegetable grain market cover shed hoshiarpur distt hoshiarpur.
99 Providing M.H. Flood Lighting Fittings with L.E.D Flood Light at various Purchase Center Patara, Sarhali, Samraj, Raipur Frala and Partapura and Providing new tower at Raipur Frala M.C Jalandhar Cantt. Distt. Jalandhar.
100 Renovation or Major of Yard and Street Light with LED Lighting system, 2 No. E.I in Cover Shed Size 150 x 88 with LED Fitting M.C Mehta Distt. Amritsar Sahib.

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